The Course

Dive deep into the complex world of digital protection with our course tailored expressly for the steel manufacturing giant. This isn't your ordinary cybersecurity class; we're talking about cutting-edge defense strategies against the most cunning cyber threats out there. Together, we'll unravel the intricate tapestries of network security, endpoint protection, and incident response, all through the tough-as-steel lens of an industrial powerhouse. Critical infrastructure? Check. Intellectual property? Double-check. We've got all that covered, plus some smarts on navigating the murky waters of international cybersecurity standards and practices.

Now, let's get real—the skills you'll gain here are more than just theoretical jargon. They're the kind that'll make you the Gandalf of the cyber realm, especially in places where the furnaces blaze and the hammers clang. By the end of this journey, you'll not only be adept at forecasting and fending off cyber attacks, but you'll also be the go-to for ensuring compliance and resilience in an industry where the stakes are sky-high. Translating bytes and binary into shield and armor for one of the most vital sectors in the world? Now that's a different kind of heavy metal.

What you will learn

When I started crafting this course, I focused on the real-world challenges that beginners often face when diving into the complex world of cybersecurity. It's designed to build a strong foundation, equipping you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As we move through the well-structured modules, you'll find each concept is broken down into digestible pieces, making it easier for you to grasp and retain. The interactive elements, like hands-on labs and case studies, are specifically tailored to give you a first-hand experience of tackling cyber threats. By the end of this journey, you'll not only understand the current cybersecurity landscape but also be well-prepared to anticipate and mitigate potential risks. Trust me, the clarity and application you'll gain here will be a significant stepping stone for your career in cybersecurity.


  Pre-Training Assessment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 1: Cybersecurity: Frameworks and Approaches
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Cloud Security and Application Security
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Operational Technology & IOT
Available in days
days after you enroll
  General Purpose Info
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Training Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

Your instructor

As an integral part of Ivy Professional School, my journey has been extensively steeped in the realms of cybersecurity. Over the years, I've garnered in-depth experience through active engagement in securing complex digital infrastructures and thwarting a multitude of cyber threats. My work has enabled me to collaborate with a diverse set of clients, ranging from burgeoning startups to established enterprises, ensuring their digital assets are safeguarded against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

The "Advanced Cybersecurity - Tata Steel" course stands as a testament to my dedication and deep-seated passion for cybersecurity education. In this role, I endeavor to foster a robust technical foundation for professionals in one of the most vital sectors of our economy. My connection to the course is not just professional but profoundly personal; as I take pride in equipping Tata Steel's dedicated workforce with cutting-edge defensive strategies and a comprehensive skill set that empowers them to protect their critical infrastructure against sophisticated cyber adversaries.


Encompassing Modern Threat Detection and Defense Methodologies


Deploying Next-Gen Cybersecurity Solutions for Industrial Environments


Fortifying Tata Steel Against Evolving Digital Threats